Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering
(UChicago CASE)
About CASE
The University of Chicago Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering (UChicago CASE) aims to broaden the intellectual scope of research activities at UChicago and affiliated institutions.
Proposals in 2023
Affiliated Institutions
UChicago CASE facilitates joint research projects through greater access to faculty, facilities, and funding opportunities. The standard UChicago CASE joint appointment is at-Large. Affiliated with a Unit joint appointments come with additional privileges and require Division vetting and approval.
Apply to CASE
CASE Membership Types and Associated Privileges
CASE at-Large privileges include access to UC facilities and the library system, principal investigator or co-investigator status on grant applications at the University (where applicable), and UC research resources such as the Research Computing Center (RCC).
CASE members also benefit from UC system access including, but not limited to, mail forwarding, VPN, and Box.
CASE Affiliates receive additional privileges within the affiliated Unit, which include co-mentoring/co-supervising UC students and postdocs.
Please carefully review each category below to determine the appropriate CASE membership type prior to submitting an application.
Membership Descriptions
Your Title Goes Here
Staff Member or Postdoc at-Large
UChicago CASE Staff or Postdoc positions are for those whose primary appointments are at the home institution of their supervising CASE scientist/scholar, but who are involved in projects supported by grants obtained through the University. Staff/Postdocs will not have PI status, and UChicago CASE membership is linked to the status of the sponsoring PI.
- An application for UChicago CASE membership must be completed and submitted in full. Please note that UChicago CASE Staff- or Postdoc-at-Large status is restricted to affiliation with a specific UChicago CASE (Senior) Scientist/Scholar group or for staff situated with a specific UChicago research center or institute (e.g., Globus, EPIC).
- Information provided should include a support letter from the UChicago CASE (Senior) Scientist/Scholar group (or specific UChicago research center or institute), a current CV/biosketch, information about the research project being supported, and information about the home institution. Applicants also must follow any internal joint appointment approval process established at the home institution for potential UChicago CASE membership.
- Internal joint appointment approval must be sent directly from the home institution to the Office of Research.
- To be accepted into UChicago CASE, applicants must be approved by CASE and the home institution.
(Senior) Scientist/Scholar at-Large
UChicago CASE (Senior) Scientists/Scholars-at-Large will be the default appointment for scientists or scholars without existing ties with a specific unit.
- An application for UChicago CASE membership must be completed and submitted in full.
- Information provided should include the applicant’s rationale for seeking membership, a description of the proposed research or scholarly activities to be undertaken, a list of existing or possible faculty collaborators (if applicable), a current CV/biosketch, and a memo of support from the applicant’s cognizant supervisor of the home institution. Applicants also must follow any internal joint appointment approval process established at the home institution for potential UChicago CASE membership.
- Internal joint appointment approval must be sent directly from the home institution to the Office of Research.
- To be accepted into UChicago CASE, applicants must be approved by CASE and the home institution.
(Senior) Scientist/Scholar Affiliated with a Unit
UChicago CASE (Senior) Scientist/Scholar Affiliated with a Unit have existing collaborations within a specific academic unit and require the additional privilege of co-mentoring/co-supervising UChicago students and postdocs.
- An application for UChicago CASE membership must be completed and submitted in full.
- Information provided should include the applicant’s rationale for seeking membership, a description of the proposed research or scholarly activities to be undertaken, the University unit where collaborations currently exist or will be established, a list of existing or possible faculty collaborators, a current CV/biosketch, and a memo of support from the applicant’s cognizant supervisor of the home institution. Applicants also must follow any internal joint appointment approval process established at the home institution for potential UChicago CASE membership.
- In addition to submission of the CASE application, an affiliation packet will be completed and submitted to the Unit for an in-depth committee and/or faculty review. The applicant’s UChicago faculty mentor/host within the academic unit will provide guidance regarding completion and submission of the affiliation documents.
- PME Affiliates: Separate application materials are required for Division Affiliation, GRC, and CASE. Please ensure that you have submitted all necessary materials to each office as appropriate.
- The Division/School within which the academic unit is situated determines the criteria and process for affiliation and may differ for different Divisions/Schools. Following the faculty review process with Dean’s concurrence, affiliation confirmation will be submitted to UChicago CASE directly by the Unit.
- Internal joint appointment approval must be sent directly from the home institution to the Office of Research.
- To be accepted into UChicago CASE, applicants must be approved by the home institution, Affiliating UChicago School/Division, CASE, and Provost Offices.
Membership Privileges
Your Title Goes Here
Staff Member or Postdoc at-Large
- Access to UChicago facilities and library
- Ability to charge time and grants without a subcontract
- Access to mail forwarding, VPN, Wireless Networking, Wireless Networking Secure, Web Proxy, and Box
Note: Appointments are linked to supervisor’s CASE status
(Senior) Scientist/Scholar at-Large
- Access to UChicago facilities and library
- Ability to charge time and grants without a subcontract
- Access to mail forwarding, VPN, Wireless Networking, Wireless Networking Secure, Web Proxy, and Box
- Serve as a PI or co-investigator on grant applications at the University
- Purchase equipment via the University for use on University-administered grants
- Hire and supervise staff at the University
Note: Does not include supervision of or co-mentoring UChicago students or postdocs
(Senior) Scientist/Scholar Affiliated with a Unit
- Access to UChicago facilities and library
- Ability to charge time and grants without a subcontract
- Access to mail forwarding, VPN, Wireless Networking, Wireless Networking Secure, Web Proxy, and Box
- Serve as a PI or co-investigator on grant applications at the University
- Purchase equipment via the University for use on University-administered grants
- Hire and supervise staff at the University
- Co-supervise and co-mentor UChicago students and postdocs
Note: Affiliated with a Unit appointments require review and approvals from the UChicago School/Division, CASE, and Provost Offices.
Note: Please ensure that you click on the correct position for the membership type to which you are applying. New users to UChicago Workday will be required to create an account in order to Start an Application.
For assistance in applying to UChicago CASE, please contact:
For Divisional assistance with CASE Affiliated with a Unit appointments, please contact:
Physical Sciences Division (PSD)
Carly Bloss
Associate Director of Academic Affairs
Biological Sciences Division (BSD)
Connie Lee
Associate Dean for Basic Science
(773) 834-4790
Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME)
LaKesha Lloyd, EA to the Dean
GRC Participants:
Visit GRC online or contact Lisa Vonesh at
Onboarding Process
CNet ID assignment and UChicago systems access, required for proposal submission, can only be obtained through onboarding (post-approval).
1. Secure your UChicago systems access
HR: Workday and System Credentials
Beth Ziolkowski
Schedule an Appointment
Please refer to your approval memo for more information on UChicago CASE onboarding.
Regenstein Library (Identity & Privileges Office): UChicago Campus Card & Library Services
(773) 702-3344
Note: UChicago CASE privileges, including Campus Card and Library Services, require onboarding to set up system credentials.

2. Opt-in to award services supporting research proposals and/or funding
Anna Jackson
(773) 834-2601
PME Affiliate
LaKesha Lloyd & Lisa Vonesh &
PSD Affiliate
Carly Bloss
(773) 702-2630
BSD Affiliate
Connie Lee
(773) 834-4790
At-Large and PME Affiliate
Gloria Mazzorana
(773) 702-2398
PSD Affiliate
Carly Bloss
(773) 702-2630
BSD Affliate
Connie Lee
(773) 834-4790
Renew your membership
Failure to renew your appointment could result in loss of UChicago system privileges and/or federal research funding. Please refer to the renewal criteria to ensure you complete all steps for re-appointment. An approval memo with updated terms of renewal cannot be sent until all steps are complete.
Note: Home institution re-appointment approvals should be sent directly to UChicago CASE.
To check your UChicago CASE membership renewal information, you may do so by logging into Workday @ UChicago. Here, you can view your UChicago profile which includes your contingent worker title (CASE membership type) as well as your contract end date (CASE membership term end) under “Job Details.” Please note that you must have a current, claimed UChicago CNet ID in order to view your Workday @ UChicago profile. If you have any questions on your UChicago CASE renewal status or term, please contact
Renewal Criteria
- Renewal documents from your home institution, including an updated CV and supervisory approval; contact director or supervisor to initiate renewal, and send documentation to
- Evidence of research activity such as submitted proposals and publications, provided via the Renewal Survey link on this page
CASE Senior Scientist/Scientist or Scholar Affiliated with a Unit
- All materials required for at-Large appointments (above)
- Updated Letter of Support submitted to UChicago CASE by Affiliated Unit/Division
Review Process
- Request will be reviewed for approval after all materials are received by UChicago
CASE Senior Scientist/Scholar Affiliated with a Unit
- Request will be reviewed for approval after all materials are received and Letter of Support from Faculty Mentor is approved
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