UChicago CASE


UChicago CASE membership is renewable based on the appointment effective date and length of term. Our office will send you a courtesy reminder at least one month before your renewal date. An approval memo with updated terms of renewal will be sent once all criteria has been met and is reviewed by UChicago CASE.

Note: Failure to renew your appointment could result in loss of UChicago system privileges and/or research funding. Please refer to the below renewal criteria to ensure you complete all steps for re-appointment. 
  1. Joint Appointment Renewal Approval from your home institution.
      • Contact your home institution’s Joint Appointment or Partnerships Office to initiate the re-approval process.
      • Renewal approval should include your current, updated CV and is sent directly to UChicago CASE.
  2. Complete the CASE Renewal Questionnaire:
      • Complete the brief online survey, providing evidence of research activity including submitted proposals and publications.
  1. Joint Appointment Renewal Approval from your home institution.
      • Contact your home institution’s Joint Appointment or Partnerships Office to initiate the re-approval process.
      • Renewal approval should include your current, updated CV and is sent directly to UChicago CASE.
  2. Joint Appointment Renewal Letter of Support from your affiliated academic unit.
      • Renewal support letters are requested on your behalf upon receipt of your internal re-appointment approval and will be sent directly to UChicago CASE.
  3. Complete the CASE Renewal Questionnaire online:
      • Complete the brief online survey, providing evidence of research activity including submitted proposals and publications.

To check your UChicago CASE membership renewal information, you may do so by logging into Workday @ UChicago. Here, you can view your UChicago profile which includes your contingent worker title (CASE membership type) as well as your contract end date (CASE membership term end) under “Job Details.” Please note that you must have a current, claimed UChicago CNet ID in order to view your Workday @ UChicago profile.

If you have any questions on your UChicago CASE renewal status or term, please contact uchicagocase@uchicago.edu.

Research and Events Highlights

PI Spotlight: Andrzej Joachimiak

Andrzej's current research focuses on proteins and protein-nucleic acid interactions and includes enzymes, transcription factors and molecular chaperones.

Duality Accelerator

Accelerating Quantum Startups

Anchored by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which has a 25-year successful track record running one of the top startup accelerator programs in the nation.

Fermilab European Partners Meeting

A meeting of minds: Fermilabs, UChicago, UK Research and Innovation Workshop

Chicago Quantum Exchange

A growing intellectual hub for the science and engineering of quantum information

License to Innovate

This is Your License to Innovate: UChicago Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Showcase New Tech

Strategic Laboratory Leadership Program (SLLP)

Leaders at several national labs, DOE, and the University of Chicago gather to take stock and consider how to use the lessons learned to prepare the national lab workforce for 2025 and beyond.

Frontiers in Energy Technologies Workshop

UChicago in partnership with Argonne National Laboratory conviens world-class thought leaders to create a vision for an ambitious energy technologies initiative at the University of Chicago. 

 PreviousNext JTFI Partnerships for Emerging Technologies Event

The Partnerships for Emerging Technologies initiative awarded $1 million in funding to 15 research projects cutting across four topic areas.

Department of Defense Research Visit:

Dr. Bindu Nair

Dr. Bindu Nair, DoD Director of Basic Research, visited the University of Chicago campus on September 29th. Slides and recording from Dr. Bindu's visit are available.

PI Spotlight: Kate Keahey

When any successful project attracts a large community, there will be growing pains. Since its launch in 2015, the experimental cloud computing testbed Chameleon has realized its vision of becoming a shared scientific instrument for computer science research and education.

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