Proposal Development
Effective development of complex proposals requires team coordination and programmatic insight. ORD provides the following project management and grantsmanship guidance throughout the proposal development process.
Team Coordination
Set timelines, facilitate meetings, and provide advice on scientific fit to funding opportunity
Evaluate team composition and suggest experts or practitioners to fill gaps
Connect to campus resources and research administration team
Identify partners and programs for education and outreach
Proposal Components
Provide templates and examples such as those on our Intranet page
Conceive and draft organizational charts and tables to enhance grantsmanship
Write drafts of supporting documents or sections addressing
Education, Public Outreach, and Broader Impacts
Collaboration/Management Plans
Leadership Structures and Administrative Cores
Competitive Review
Assess full application for responsiveness to solicitation
Review content across documents/sections for consistency and integration
Organize and facilitate pre-submission Red Team or “soft” review sessions
Coordinate presentation materials and practice sessions for Site Visit and Reverse Site Visit reviews
Contact us at or fill out this form to schedule a consultation about your proposal preparation needs.